Dairy Free Nutrition Guide

Dairy Free Nutrition Guide


Let me take over the mental load of how to figure out what to eat if you suspect your baby may be sensitive to dairy.

As a Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, I will walk you through everything you need to know about:

  • How to identify if your baby has a dairy sensitivity vs an intolerance

  • Strategies to consider with feeding before removing dairy from your diet

  • How to eliminate dairy without losing out on key nutrients you need to recovery postpartum

  • Suggestions to help you build up your gut health and ideas on what you can add to your diet (not just take away)

  • Considerations for choosing a formula free of cows milk protein

  • A cheat sheet with hidden sources of dairy so you can feel empowered around what to choose while trialing an elimination diet

  • 2 weeks of sample menus for you to follow that are completely free of dairy

  • Dairy free recipes that are quick, nutrient dense and easy to batch cook (for easy leftovers and less cooking time!)

I've had the privilege of supporting hundreds of families through this exact process and I am so glad to be able to give you access to my framework for you to follow here.

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