Meet your postpartum village, here to keep you and your babies nourished.
Stop the frustration, overwhelm and isolation that can come with feeding challenges and find expert lactation and nutrition support, empowerment and community in your motherhood journey. >>> All for less than $30 a month
The Intuitive Mama Membership provides you with holistic, evidenced based information for your feeding & postpartum journey at your fingertips.
You don't have to do postpartum alone.
If you've been struggling with...
>>> Latching issues causing pain
>>> Worrying about your milk supply
>>> Feeling unsure & overwhelmed with information overload
>>> Nutritional depletion, low energy, fatigue and exhaustion
You are NOT alone & you are in the right place.
In fact, mothers who received community support are 20% MORE LIKELY to be still breastfeeding at 3 months postpartum.
And the longer the supportive relationship continues, the more impact this benefit has.
Introducing: The Intuitive Mama Program
A membership designed to empower your postpartum journey & nourish you and your baby. If you want to:
>>> Take the stress out of navigating postpartum alone and without support
>>> Confidently make the best decision for your baby and family around feeding and nutrition
>>> Rely less on Dr. Google or Instagram and get evidenced based answers from a trusted guide
>>> Find belonging and community among other women and mothers in the same season of life
>>> Shift from postpartum depletion to thriving postpartum
Then, this is for you!
Get access to:
+ A step by step guide on how to approach nutrition during postpartum so you can recover from birth, support your milk supply and find your bodies happy weight (without calorie counting, tracking macros or depriving yourself)
+ Tangible guidance on how to build your postpartum plate to support balanced blood sugar, mood & your postpartum hormones {AKA, have more energy}
+ Targeted protocols with supplements, herbs and galactogogues to meet your breastfeeding goals
+ Postpartum weight and body image support: guidance on how to approach weight concerns in this season from a mindful lens
+ Coaching from a Registered Dietitian & IBCLC to help you manage your milk supply, pumping and feeding challenges
+ Bite Sized Video Modules
Step-by-step, self-paced foundational modules (no more than 20 minutes each) to optimize your physical health, replenish nutrient stores, help your body heal, nurture your relationships with others and yourself, and support your mental health postpartum. Content is “dripped” out every week- no overwhelm here, just valuable, step by step information you can easily absorb.
+ Searchable Resource Library
Access a growing library of common challenges breastfeeding, pumping and feeding challenges with evidenced based recommendations designed by a Registered Dietitian and Lactation Consultant. Stop the endless googling and get the information you need to meet and exceed your feeding goals.
TOPICS INCLUDE: holistic mastitis protocol, recurrent plugged ducts, breastfeeding safe medications, managing your milk supply, pumping schedules, choosing a bottle + more added based on member request
+ Community & Connection
A private, safe community where you can find other moms in the same season of life as you to connect to IRL (or when you are up for that dreaded middle of the night feed) & get questions answered daily by a Lactation Consultant.
+ Deeper Dives with Postpartum Experts
Get deeper dives on topics you want to know about to support your postpartum glow up! From how to support your pelvic floor, find a perinatal therapist, introduce solids to your baby, we feature top experts.
+ Recipes, Meal Guides & Meal Plans
A vault of 60+ recipes created by a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Lactation Consultant that are specifically designed to meet your needs during postpartum. All recipes meal prep and batch cooking friendly + you can grab our done for your grocery list, meal ideas & staple lists. Access our supplement recommendations + discount codes for our dispensary with Needed and Fullscript.
+ Monthly live Q+ A with founder, Jaren Soloff- Dietitian + Lactation Consultant
Get 1:1 time with a nutrition and lactation expert, Jaren Soloff RD IBCLC, together we will walk through your questions, provide support + resources. Submit your questions beforehand, join us live or access the recordings on your schedule.
+ Access to a Dietitian and Lactation Consultant at your fingertips
Share your questions in a private chat to get your questions answered. No more googling- is it normal for my baby to spit up? is this color stool okay? How do I help my baby with gas? PLUS members get discounted 1:1 bookings with our team of dietitian + lactation consultants.
+ Questions to determine if this is the right fit for you? Please email